Upcoming Readings and Workshops

  • Sat
    11:00 amBeyond Baroque Litereary Arts - 681 N. Venice Blvd. Venice, CA 90291

    WHAAA!!!! I love this kind of workshop!

    Do you struggle finding a moment to write? Have trouble concentrating when you finally get the time? Got Writer’s Block? This is the workshop for you. In addition to writing new work, participants will examine what it means to be distracted, to be at the mercy of ‘avid attention.’ You may discover it’s your greatest asset as a poet and an artist. No experience necessary. 

    The EventBrite link for this event is HERE!  If you're on a tight budget and would still like to attend, PLEASE let me know and we'll make it happen! 

If you’d like to book a reading or workshop, please ask!